The Devils Brigade Chapter recognizes the values and contributions the families make by awarding merit based post secondary educational scholarships to the sons and daughters of their members.
Scholarships Offered:
HENRY BERTRAND SCHOLARSHIP - $2000 competitive scholarship based on merit. More than one may be awarded based on the availability of Chapter funds.
BASIC SCHOLARSHIP - $1,000 (one time award per candidate per year in undergraduate/graduate status)
ROTC/SERVICE ACADEMY SCHOLARSHIP - $1,000 (each year in a contract ROTC/Service Academy status)
Awardees may be awarded more than one of these scholarships if they qualify.
Scholarship Applications will be available on this portal Feb 2, 2025 and close on March 31, 2025 and on each inclusive dates in successive year thereafter.
Eligibility requirements:
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Daughter, son, or legal dependent of a current SFA 28 Chapter member in good standing. Chapter members and spouses are also eligible to apply.
Full-time student pursuing degree/certification completion at an accredited post-secondary institution.
A high school senior, graduate, or registered as a full-time undergraduate student at an accredited college or post-secondary vocational/technical institute.
For graduate school scholarships, currently enrolled as a college senior or obtained a bachelor's degree from an accredited college/university, applied and/or accepted in an accredited graduate school program.
ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION: Both the applicant and their SFA 28 Chapter sponsor are required to read and complete the Statement of Certification. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. If the sponsor is deceased, deployed, or otherwise unable to complete the certification, include a statement in Section 2.J in the application.
EVALUATION: SFA28 scholarships are awarded based on merit and need. The scholarship committee will evaluate nine (9) categories in Sections 2.A through 2.I. Each category is worth six (6) points and given equal weight by the committee. You will receive zero (0) points for any category left blank and not properly explained.
Non-traditional students include students with children, students with part-time jobs, students with special needs, or students starting college several years after high school graduation. If you are a non-traditional student and not involved in school activities or clubs, please provide other information you feel would assist us in the evaluation. The committee will consider all other information submitted with this online application. Material submitted using any other method will not be considered.
The last section in the evaluation section (2.J) is where you have a chance to tell the committee any additional information about yourself to better evaluate your application. Scholarships will be awarded without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or physical ability. When possible, use bullet comments to answer the questions.