9/11 MEMORIAL V-42
Thirty six days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States then COL Mulholland, 5th SFG(A) Commander, led Task Force Dagger into Afghanistan. Working closely with the CIA, Joint Special Operations TF North (JSOTF-N), aka TF Dagger, was built around several elements from the 5th SFG. TF Dagger also included the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR), combat controllers from the USAF Special Tactics Group, and a detachment from Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC).
A few years later LTG Mulholland, Commanding General for U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), was presented a piece of World Trade Center steel from the Port Authorities of New York and New Jersey. During this same period, SFA XXVIII member Bob Brugh was actively working with WR Case, original manufacturer of the V-42, to resurrect the V-42 to its original 1942 plans and specifications for the men of the FSSF in World War II. LTG Mulholland commissioned WR Case to create September 11 commemorative V-42s from this World Trade Center steel to be used in presentations to honor and memorialize America’s response to the horrific attacks on 9/11.

On November 9, 2017 the first three presentations were made at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at ‘Ground Zero’ in New York City commemorating U.S. Army Special Forces role in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Only 24 of these historic WTC steel V-42s will be created and the 21 remaining presentations will be produced for awarding to the remaining units which followed the 5th SFG(A) and their respective commands; American & United Airlines: Flight 93 Museum in PA, the Pentagon and select others.
This ceremony and following presentations were facilitated by SFA Chapter XXVIII ‘The Devil’s Brigade Chapter’, America’s Response Monument Trust, and WR Case.

The event was covered by KNIFE Magazine in their article “9/11 Steel — Case Presents Three Very Special V-42 Knives” by Frank Trzaska in the January 2018 issue. Magazine owner/publisher/editor, Mark Zalesky, granted permission and provided the article below. He indicated they have back issues available for $8.00 if anyone would like a hard copy.